Two young mathematicians discuss stars and functions.

Check out this dialogue between two calculus students (based on a true story):
Riley, did you know I like looking at the stars at night?
Stars are freaking awesome balls of nuclear fire whose light took thousands of years to reach us.
I know! But did you know that the best way to see a very dim star is to look near it but not exactly at it? It’s because then you can use the ‘‘rods’’ in your eye, which work better in low light than the ‘‘cones’’ in your eyes.
That’s amazing! Hey, that reminds me of when we were talking about the two functions which we now know are completely different functions.
Whoa. How are you seeing a connection here?
If we want to understand what is happening with the function at , we can’t do it by setting . Instead we need to look near but not exactly at .
Ah ha! Because if we are not exactly at , then
Let and . Which of the following is true?
If you do not understand what the choices below mean, you may want to review function notation here or here.
for every value of . There is no -value where . when .
When you evaluate at -values approaching (but not equal to) , what happens to the value of ?
If you are struggling to determine what the value of approaches when you evaluate near , you may want to review how to evaluate functions here or here.

The value of approaches .

Just from checking some values, can you be absolutely certain that your answer to the previous problem is correct?
yes no