Here is an opportunity for you to practice finding one- and two-sided limits of piece-wise functions.

Before getting started, you may want to brush-up on what is meant by a piece-wise function and the notation of piece-wise functions. You can do that here.
Let Does exist? If it does, give its value. Otherwise write DNE.

When is close to 2, what is the rule for ?

Let Use to evaluate the following limits if they exist. Otherwise, write DNE.

To evaluate the 2-sided limits, you will first need to evaluate the corresponding 1-sided limits.

The next few problems will involve re-writing absolute value functions as piece-wise functions. If you are unfamiliar with absolute value functions in general or need to review how to re-write absolute value functions as piece-wise functions, take a look at this link.

Let . Does exist? If it does, give its value. Otherwise write DNE.

When is close to , what is equal to?

Let . Use to evaluate the following limits if they exist. Otherwise, write DNE.
Absolute value functions are piece-wise functions, so you may want to re-write as an explicit piece-wise function before trying to evaluate the limits.

Let . Use to evaluate the following limit if it exists. Otherwise, write DNE.

Let What must the be the value of to make exist?

The left- and right-hand limits at must be equal in order for to exist. Use this information to set up an equation in terms of , and then solve for .
Let If exists, what is ?