Here is an opportunity for you to practice evaluating limits that involve infinity.

You may need to input the symbol for infinity to answer one or more of the following questions. To do so, type or or .
Your goal in this exercise is to evaluate (if it exists). First, consider the corresponding one-sided limits:

As approaches from the left:

  • The numerator approaches , which is a positivenegative number.
  • is positivenegative and approaches


As approaches from the right:

  • The numerator approaches , which is a positivenegative number.
  • is positivenegative and approaches


Putting all of this information together, you can conclude that

From the above limit calculations, you can say that

doesdoes not have a horizontalvertical asymptote at .

Your goal in this exercise is to evaluate (if it exists). First, consider the corresponding one-sided limits:

As approaches from the left:

  • The function approaches , which is a positivenegative number.
  • is positivenegative and approaches .


As approaches from the right:

  • The function approaches , which is a positivenegative number.
  • is positivenegative and approaches


Putting all of this information together, you can conclude that

From the above limit calculations, you can say that

doesdoes not have a horizontalvertical asymptote at .

Consider the function . The two -values at which may have a vertical asymptote are

On this problem, it will help to factor the numerator and denominator of .

Now, determine if and are asymptotes of or not.

As approaches from the left:

  • The function approaches , which is a positivenegative number.
  • is positivenegative and approaches .


and based on this limit information, you can conclude that

is a vertical asymptote of . is not a vertical asymptote of . may or may not be a vertical asymptete of . There isn’t enough information to decide yet.
Alright, now you know that is a vertical asymptote of . What about ? Well,

and based on this limit information, you can conclude that

is a vertical asymptote of . is not a vertical asymptote of . may or may not be a vertical asymptote of . There isn’t enough information to decide yet.
Because the limit information we have so far isn’t enough to make any conclusions, evaluate the other one-sided limit:

Now, from all information you have obtained about the limit of at , you can conclude that

is a vertical asymptote of . is not a vertical asymptote of . may or may not be a vertical asymptote of . There isn’t enough information to decide yet.

Evaluate the limit.

To evaluate the above limit, you could multiply the numerator and denominator of by (Type in the smallest exponent that would work)

Evaluate the limit.

To evaluate the above limit, you could multiply the numerator and denominator of by (Type in the smallest exponent that would work)

Evaluate the limits.

To evaluate the above limits, you could multiply the numerator and denominator of by (Type in the smallest exponent that would work)

Evaluate the limit.

Based on this limit, you can conclude that has a horizontal asymptote of .

The function has a vertical asymptote of . This function also has two horizontal asymptotes: One below the -axis, , and one above the -axis, .

Use the limit definition of vertical and horizontal asymptote in order to answer this question. (Yes, that means you’ll have to calculate some limits!)

A function can have a maximum of horizontal asymptotes.

Consider the statement below, and then indicate whether it is sometimes, always, or never true.

‘‘A function, , can have both a vertical and a horizontal asymptote of .”

This statement is

sometimesalwaysnever true.