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addition of vectors
adjugate of a matrix
algebraic multiplicity of an eigenvalue
associated homogeneous system (def:asshomsys )
Given any linear system , the system is called the associated homogeneous system .
augmented matrix
back substitution
basis (def:basis )
A set of vectors is called a basis of (or a basis of a subspace of ) provided
(a) (or )
(b) is linearly independent.
block matrices
box product
change-of-basis matrix (def:matlintransgenera )
characteristic equation (def:chareqcharpoly )
The equation
is called the characteristic equation of .
characteristic polynomial
Cholesky factorization
closed under addition (def:closedunderaddition )
A set is said to be closed under addition if for each element and the sum is also in .
closed under scalar multiplication (def:closedunderscalarmult )
A set is said to be closed under scalar multiplication if for each element and for each
scalar the product is also in .
codomain of a linear transformation
coefficient matrix
cofactor expansion
column matrix (vector)
column space of a matrix (def:colspace )
Let be an matrix. The column space of , denoted by , is the subspace of spanned by
the columns of .
composition of linear transformations (def:compoflintrans )
Let , and be vector spaces, and let and be linear transformations. The composition
of and is the transformation given by
consistent system
coordinate vector with respect to a basis (in ) (abstract vector spaces )
Cramer’s Rule
cross product (def:crossproduct )
Let and be vectors in . The cross product of and , denoted by , is given
determinant () (def:twodetcrossprod )
A determinant is a number associated with a matrix
determinant () (def:threedetcrossprod )
A determinant is a number associated with a matrix
diagonal matrix
diagonalizable matrix (def:diagonalizable )
Let be an matrix. Then is said to be diagonalizable if there exists an invertible
matrix such that
where is a diagonal matrix. In other words, a matrix is diagonalizable if it is similar
to a diagonal matrix, .
dimension (def:dimension ) (also see def:dimensionabstract )
Let be a subspace of . The dimension of is the number, , of elements in any basis of .
We write
Direction vector
Distance between points in (form:distRn )
Let and be points in . The distance between and is given by
Distance between point and line
domain of a linear transformation
dominant eigenvalue (def:dominant ew,ev )
An eigenvalue of an matrix is called a dominant eigenvalue if has multiplicity , and
Any corresponding eigenvector is called a
dominant eigenvector of .
dot product (def:dotproduct )
Let and be vectors in . The dot product of and , denoted by , is given
eigenspace (def:eigspace )
The set of all eigenvectors associated with a given eigenvalue of a matrix is known as
the eigenspace associated with that eigenvalue.
eigenvalue (def:eigen )
Let be an matrix. We say that a non-zero vector is an eigenvector of
for some scalar . We say that is an eigenvalue of associated with the eigenvector .
eigenvalue decomposition (def:eigdecomposition )
If we are able to diagonalize , say , we say that is an eigenvalue decomposition of .
eigenvector (def:eigen )
Let be an matrix. We say that a non-zero vector is an eigenvector of
for some scalar . We say that is an eigenvalue of associated with the eigenvector .
elementary matrix (def:elemmatrix )
An elementary matrix is a square matrix formed by applying a single elementary row
operation to the identity matrix.
elementary row operations (def:elemrowops )
The following three operations performed on a linear system are called elementary
row operations .
(a) Switching the order of equations (rows) and :
(b) Multiplying both sides of equation (row) by the same non-zero constant,
, and replacing equation with the result:
(c) Adding times equation (row) to equation (row) , and replacing equation
with the result:
equivalence relation
equivalent linear systems (def:equivsystems )
Two systems of linear equations are said to be equivalent if they have the same
solution set.
free variable
fundamental subspaces of a matrix
Gaussian elimination (def:GaussianElimination )
The process of using the elementary row operations on a matrix to transform it into
row-echelon form is called Gaussian Elimination .
Gauss-Jordan elimination (def:GaussJordanElimination )
The process of using the elementary row operations on a matrix to transform it into
reduced row-echelon form is called Gauss-Jordan elimination .
Gauss-Seidel method
geometric multiplicity of an eigenvalue (def:geommulteig )
The geometric multiplicity of an eigenvalue is the dimension of the corresponding
eigenspace .
Gerschgorin’s Disk Theorem
Gram-Schmidt Process
homogeneous system (def:homogeneous )
A system of linear equations is called homogeneous if the system can be written in
the form
identity matrix
identity transformation (def:idtransonrn )
The identity transformation on , denoted by , is a transformation that maps each
element of to itself.
In other words,
is a transformation such that
image of a linear transformation (def:imageofT )
Let and be vector spaces, and let be a linear transformation. The image of ,
denoted by , is the set
In other words, the image of consists of individual images of all vectors of .
inconsistent system
inner product (def:innerproductspace )
An inner product on a real vector space is a function that assigns a real number to
every pair , of vectors in in such a way that the following properties are
(a) is a real number for all and in .
(b) for all and in .
(c) for all , , and in .
(d) for all and in and all in .
(e) for all in .
inner product space
inverse of a linear transformation (def:inverseoflintrans )
Let and be vector spaces, and let be a linear transformation. A transformation
that satisfies and is called an inverse of . If has an inverse, is called invertible .
inverse of a square matrix (def:matinverse )
Let be an matrix. An matrix is called an inverse of if
where is an identity matrix. If such an inverse matrix exists, we say that
is invertible . If an inverse does not exist, we say that is not invertible.
isomorphism (def:isomorphism )
Let and be vector spaces. If there exists an invertible linear transformation we say
that and are isomorphic and write . The invertible linear transformation is called
an isomorphism .
iterative methods
Jacobi’s method
kernel of a linear transformation (def:kernel )
Let and be vector spaces, and let be a linear transformation. The kernel of ,
denoted by , is the set
In other words, the kernel of consists of all vectors of that map to in .
Laplace Expansion Theorem (th:laplace1 )
leading entry (leading 1) (def:leadentry )
The first non-zero entry in a row of a matrix (when read from left to right) is called
the leading entry . When the leading entry is 1, we refer to it as a leading 1 .
leading variable
linear combination of vectors (def:lincomb )
A vector is said to be a linear combination of vectors if
for some scalars .
linear equation (def:lineq )
A linear equation in variables is an equation that can be written in the
where and are constants.
linear transformation (def:lin ) (also see Linear Transformations of Abstract Vector Spaces )
A transformation is called a linear transformation if the following are true for all
vectors and in , and scalars .
linearly dependent vectors (def:linearindependence )
Let be vectors of . We say that the set is linearly independent if the only solution to
is the
trivial solution .
If, in addition to the trivial solution, a non-trivial solution (not all are zero) exists,
then we say that the set is linearly dependent .
linearly independent vectors (def:linearindependence )
Let be vectors of . We say that the set is linearly independent if the only solution to
is the
trivial solution .
If, in addition to the trivial solution, a non-trivial solution (not all are zero) exists,
then we say that the set is linearly dependent .
lower triangular matrix
LU factorization
Magnitude of a vector (def:normrn )
Let be a vector in , then the length , or the magnitude , of is given by
main diagonal
matrix addition (def:additionofmatrices )
Let and be two matrices. Then the sum of matrices and , denoted by , is an
matrix given by
matrix equality (def:equalityofmatrices )
Let and be two matrices. Then means that for all and .
matrix multiplication (by a matrix) (def:matmatproduct )
Let be an matrix whose rows are vectors , . Let be an matrix with columns . Then
the entries of the matrix product are given by the dot products
matrix multiplication (by a scalar) (def:scalarmultofmatrices )
If and is a scalar, then .
matrix multiplication (by a vector) (def:matrixvectormult )
Let be an matrix, and let be an vector. The product is the vector given
or, equivalently,
matrix of a linear transformation with respect to the given bases (def:matlintransgenera )
minor of a square matrix
norm (def:030438 )
nonsingular matrix (def:nonsingularmatrix )
A square matrix is said to be nonsingular provided that . Otherwise we say that is
singular .
normal vector
null space of a matrix (def:nullspace )
Let be an matrix. The null space of , denoted by , is the set of all vectors in such
that .
nullity of a linear transformation (def:nullityT )
The nullity of a linear transformation , is the dimension of the kernel of
nullity of a matrix (def:matrixnullity )
Let be a matrix. The dimension of the null space of is called the nullity of
one-to-one (def:onetoone )
A linear transformation is one-to-one if
onto (def:onto )
A linear transformation is onto if for every element of , there exists an element of
such that .
ordered basis
orthogonal basis
orthogonal complement of a subspace of (def:023776 )
If is a subspace of , define the orthogonal complement of (pronounced “-perp”) by
Orthogonal Decomposition Theorem (th:OrthoDecomp )
Let be a subspace of and let . Then there exist unique vectors and such that .
orthogonal matrix (def:orthogonal matrices )
An matrix is called an orthogonal matrix if it satisfies one (and hence all) of the
conditions in Theorem th:orthogonal_matrices .
Orthogonal projection onto a subspace of (def:projOntoSubspace )
Let be a subspace of with orthogonal basis . If is in , the vector
is called the
orthogonal projection of onto .
Orthogonal projection onto a vector (def:projection )
Let be a vector, and let be a non-zero vector. The projection of onto is given
orthogonal set of vectors (orthset )
Let be a set of nonzero vectors in . Then this set is called an orthogonal set if for all
. Moreover, if for (i.e. each vector in the set is a unit vector), we say the set of
vectors is an orthonormal set .
Orthogonal vectors (def:orthovectors )
Let and be vectors in . We say and are orthogonal if .
orthogonally diagonalizable matrix (def:orthDiag )
An matrix is said to be orthogonally diagonalizable if an orthogonal matrix can be
found such that is diagonal.
orthonormal basis
orthonormal set of vectors (orthset )
Let be a set of nonzero vectors in . Then this set is called an orthogonal set if for all
. Moreover, if for (i.e. each vector in the set is a unit vector), we say the set of
vectors is an orthonormal set .
parametric equation of a line (form:paramlinend )
Let be a direction vector for line in , and let be an arbitrary point on . Then the
following parametric equations describe :
particular solution
partitioned matrices (block multiplication)
permutation matrix
positive definite matrix (def:024811 )
A square matrix is called positive definite if it is symmetric and all its eigenvalues
are positive. We write when eigenvalues are real and positive.
power method (and its variants)
QR factorization (def:QR-factorization )
Let be an matrix with independent columns. A QR-factorization of expresses it as
where is with orthonormal columns and is an invertible and upper triangular
matrix with positive diagonal entries.
rank of a linear transformation (def:rankofT )
The rank of a linear transformation , is the dimension of the image of .
rank of a matrix (def:rankofamatrix ) (th:dimofrowA )
The rank of matrix , denoted by , is the number of nonzero rows that remain after we
reduce to row-echelon form by elementary row operations.
For any matrix ,
Rank-Nullity Theorem for linear transformations (th:ranknullityforT )
Let be a linear transformation. Suppose , then
Rank-Nullity Theorem for matrices (th:matrixranknullity )
Rayleigh quotients
reduced row echelon form (def:rref )
A matrix that is already in row-echelon form is said to be in reduced row-echelon
form if:
(a) Each leading entry is
(b) All entries above and below each leading are
redundant vectors (def:redundant )
Let be a set of vectors in . If we can remove one vector without changing the span of
this set, then that vector is redundant . In other words, if
we say that is a redundant element of , or simply redundant.
row echelon form (def:ref )
A matrix is said to be in row-echelon form if:
(a) All entries below each leading entry are 0.
(b) Each leading entry is in a column to the right of the leading entries in the
rows above it.
(c) All rows of zeros, if there are any, are located below non-zero rows.
row equivalent matrices
row matrix (vector)
row space of a matrix (def:rowspace )
Let be an matrix. The row space of , denoted by , is the subspace of spanned by
the rows of .
scalar triple product
similar matrices (def:similar )
If and are matrices, we say that and are similar , if for some invertible matrix . In
this case we write .
singular matrix (def:nonsingularmatrix )
A square matrix is said to be nonsingular provided that . Otherwise we say that is
singular .
singular value decomposition (SVD)
singular values (singularvalues )
Let be an matrix. The singular values of are the square roots of the positive
eigenvalues of
skew symmetric matrix (def:symmetricandskewsymmetric )
An matrix is said to be symmetric if It is said to be skew symmetric if
span of a set of vectors (def:span )
Let be vectors in . The set of all linear combinations of is called the span of . We
and we say that vectors span . Any vector in is said to be in the span of . The set
is called a spanning set for .
spanning set
spectral decomposition - another name for eigenvalue decomposition (def:eigdecomposition )
If we are able to diagonalize , say , we say that is an eigenvalue decomposition of .
Spectral Theorem
spectrum The set of distinct eigenvalues of a matrix.
standard basis (def:standardbasis )
The set is called the standard basis of .
standard matrix of a linear transformation (def:standardmatoflintrans )
The matrix in Theorem th:matlin is known as the standard matrix of the linear transformation
Standard Position
Standard Unit Vectors (def:standardunitvecrn )
Let denote a vector that has as the component and zeros elsewhere. In other
where is in the position. We say that is a standard unit vector of .
strictly diagonally dominant (def:strict_diag_dom )
Let be the matrix which is the coefficient matrix of the linear system .
denote the sum of the absolute values of the non-diagonal entries in row . We say
that is strictly diagonally dominant if
for all values of from to .
square matrix
subspace (def:subspaceabstract )
A nonempty subset of a vector space is called a subspace of , provided that is itself
a vector space when given the same addition and scalar multiplication as .
subspace of (def:subspace )
Suppose that is a nonempty subset of that is closed under addition and closed under
scalar multiplication. Then is a subspace of .
subspace test (th:subspacetestabstract )
Let be a nonempty subset of a vector space . If is closed under the operations of
addition and scalar multiplication of , then is a subspace of .
Subtraction of vectors
symmetric matrix (def:symmetricandskewsymmetric )
An matrix is said to be symmetric if It is said to be skew symmetric if
system of linear equations
trace of a matrix (def:trace )
The trace of an matrix , abbreviated , is defined to be the sum of the main diagonal
elements of . In other words, if , then
We may also write .
transpose of a matrix (def:matrixtranspose )
Let be an matrix. Then the transpose of , denoted by , is the matrix given by
triangle inequality
Unit Vector
upper triangular matrix
Vector equation of a line (form:vectorlinend )
Let be a direction vector for line in , and let be an arbitrary point on . Then the
following vector equation describes :
vector space ( ) (def:vectorspacegeneral )
Let be a nonempty set. Suppose that elements of can be added together and
multiplied by scalars. The set , together with operations of addition and scalar
multiplication, is called a vector space provided that
is closed under addition
is closed under scalar multiplication
and the following properties hold for , and in and scalars and :
(a) Commutative Property of Addition:
(b) Associative Property of Addition:
(c) Existence of Additive Identity:
(d) Existence of Additive Inverse:
(e) Distributive Property over Vector Addition:
(f) Distributive Property over Scalar Addition:
(g) Associative Property for Scalar Multiplication:
(h) Multiplication by :
We will refer to elements of as vectors .
zero matrix (def:zeromatrix )
The zero matrix is the matrix having every entry equal to zero. The zero matrix is
denoted by .
zero transformation (def:zerotransonrn )
The zero transformation , , maps every element of the domain to the zero
In other words,
is a transformation such that