Answer the following questions honestly to assess your own abilities. This pre-quiz will not be graded. It can be used for you to determine your own strengths and weaknesses.

Could you explain what it means for a straight line to have a slope of ?

Yes, I could explain what such a slope would mean. Yes I could, but I would need to review some resources first. No, I would need to learn/relearn how to do this. I don’t know. I don’t want to analyze this task right now.
In words, what does a line having a slope of mean?
(Select all correct interpretations)
If you are having trouble remembering how to interpret what the slope of a line means, you may want to review this card.
As x increases by 2, y increases by 3 As x increases by 3, y increases by 2 As x increases by 1, y decreases by As x increases by 1, y increases by As x decreases by 2, y increases by 3 As x decreases by 2, y decreases by 3 As x decreases by 3, y increases by 2 As x decreases by 3, y decreases by 2

If you didn’t, why didn’t you answer the above question?

I don’t know the answer to this question yet. I don’t want to answer this question right now. I have already answered this question correctly.

Strategy Reflection

Below are statements about strategies that you may or may not have used while completing the above questions. Mark true or false to indicate whether each statement describes how you took this pre-quiz.

A. I answered the questions in order, assuming that the easier ones would come first.

True False

B. I answered the questions that I knew how to do first.

True False

C. I read through all of the questions first before answering any.

True False

D. After reading a question, I worked backwards and used process of elimination to narrow down my options by checking if the answers were correct.

True False

E. I used online resources to find the solutions.

True False

F. I used online resources to remind me how to answer the questions, but then solved them myself.

True False

G. I used a calculator to find the answers.

True False

H. I used a calculator to check the solutions that I found by hand.

True False

I. I used strategies when completing this pre-quiz, but I don’t remember the names of the strategies.

True False

J. I used other strategies that are not listed here.

True False

K. I did not use any strategies when completing this pre-quiz.

True False

Please list any additional strategies that you used when taking this pre-quiz. If you didn’t use any additional strategies, just type ‘NA.‘