We find the Maclaurin series representation of a function.

Maclaurin Series

Maclaurin series are a special case of Taylor series with center . In this section we will develop the Maclaurin series for and and use these to create Maclaurin series of other, related functions.

Recall the formula for the coefficients of a Taylor series centered at is . Substituting , we get the formula for the coefficients of a Maclaurin series: We now use this to create the Maclaurin series for .

(problem 1) Which of the following series converges to ?
Let in the Maclaurin series for

We now turn to two examples of finding Maclauirin series by making modifications to the previous example.

(problem 2a) Use the Maclaurin series for to find the maclaurin series for .
(problem 2b) Use the Maclaurin series for to find the maclaurin series for .
(problem 3) Use the Maclaurin series for to find the maclaurin series for .

We now consider an example of a Maclaurin series obtained by making modifications to the previous example.

(problem 5) Use the Maclaurin series for to find the Maclaurin series for .

We now consider an example of a Maclaurin series obtained by making modifications to the previous example.

(problem 7) Use the Maclaurin series for to find the Maclaurin series for .

Video Lessons

Here is a detailed, lecture style video on Maclaurin series: