We use the Alternating Series Test to determine convergence of infinite series.

An alternating series is an infinite series whose terms alternate signs. A typical alternating series has the form where for all . We will refer to the factor as the alternating symbol.

Some examples of alternating series are

  • This is the alternating harmonic series.
  • This is an alternating geometric series with . Since , we know from our earlier study of geometric series that this alternating series converges and the sum is
  • In this example, could be replaced by the standard alternating symbol .
  • This is an alternating -series.

The Alternating Series Test

(problem 1a) Determine whether the series converges or diverges:
First, find the limit: Which of the following is true?
for for neither

Describe the behavior of the series

Converges by AST Diverges by Test for Divergence No Conclusion from AST
(problem 1b) Determine whether the series converges or diverges:
First, find the limit: Which of the following is true?
for for neither

Describe the behavior of the series

Converges by AST Diverges by Test for Divergence No Conclusion from AST
(problem 1c) Determine whether the series converges or diverges:
First, find the limit: Which of the following is true?
for for neither

Describe the behavior of the series

Converges by AST Diverges by Test for Divergence No Conclusion from AST
(problem 1d) Determine whether the series converges or diverges:
First, find the limit: Which of the following is true?
for for neither

Describe the behavior of the series

Converges by AST Diverges by Test for Divergence No Conclusion from AST

Absolute Versus Conditional Convergence

In general, the presence of the alternating symbol, , helps a series to converge. The alternating harmonic series and its non-alternating counterpart, the harmonic series, provide the quintessential example of this. The harmonic series diverges, but with the addition of the alternating symbol, the alternating harmonic series converges. This leads us to investigate alternating series further by asking the question “does a convergent alternating series require the alternating symbol to converge?” If an alternating series converges without the alternating symbol, then we say that it is absolutely convergent. On the other hand, if a convergent alternating series diverges without the alternating symbol (like the harmonic series), then we say that the alternating series is conditionally convergent. We formalize these terms in the definition below.

(problem 4) Determine whether the following series converges absolutely, converges conditionally or diverges: .
Does its non-alternating counterpart converge?
Consider the series without the alternating symbol.
Yes No


Limit Comparison Test with the harmonic series -series with geometric series with

Does the original alternating series converge absolutely?

Yes No

We now use the AST to check for conditional convergence.

First, find the limit:

The derivative of is

The derivative is negative for .

Rewrite the numerator as

Are the terms eventually decreasing?

Yes No

Does the original alternating series converge conditionally?

Yes No

Video Lesson

Here is a detailed, lecture style video on the AST:

More Problems

(problem 5) Determine whether the following series converges absolutely, converges conditionally or diverges: .
Does its non-alternating counterpart converge?
Consider the series without the alternating symbol.
Yes No


-series with -series with geometric series with

Does the original alternating series converge absolutely?

Yes No
(problem 6) Determine whether the following series converges absolutely, converges conditionally or diverges: .
Does its non-alternating counterpart converge?
Consider the series without the alternating symbol.
Yes No


-series with -series with

Does the original alternating series converge absolutely?

Yes No

We now use the AST to check for conditional convergence.

First, find the limit: Which of the following is true?

for for neither

Does the series converge conditionally?

Yes No
(problem 7) Determine whether the following series converges absolutely, converges conditionally or diverges: .
Does its non-alternating counterpart converge?
Consider the series without the alternating symbol.
Yes No


Limit Comparison Test with the harmonic series -series with geometric series with

Does the original alternating series converge absolutely?

Yes No

We now use the AST to check for conditional convergence.

First, find the limit: Which of the following is true?

Use the derivative to check for decreasing
for for neither

Does the series converge conditionally?

Yes No
(problem 8) Determine whether the following series converges absolutely, converges conditionally or diverges: .
Does its non-alternating counterpart converge?
Consider the series without the alternating symbol.
Yes No


Direct Comparison Test with -series -series with geometric series with

Does the original alternating series converge absolutely?

Yes No
(problem 9) Determine whether the following series converges absolutely, converges conditionally or diverges: .
Does its non-alternating counterpart converge?
Consider the series without the alternating symbol.
Yes No


Limit Comparison Test with -series -series with geometric series with

Does the original alternating series converge absolutely?

Yes No

We now use the AST to check for conditional convergence.

First, find the limit: Which of the following is true?

Use the derivative to check for decreasing
for for neither

Does the series converge conditionally?

Yes No
(problem 10) Determine whether the following series converges absolutely, converges conditionally or diverges: .
Does its non-alternating counterpart converge?
Consider the series without the alternating symbol.
Yes No


Limit Comparison Test with -series -series with Test for Divergence

Does the original alternating series converge absolutely?

Yes No

Find the limit:

Do we need to check the second condition of the AST?

Yes No

What can we say about the series ?

Converges Conditionally Diverges No Conclusion