Three proofs.

Below are three different proofs that vertical angles are congruent. Please consider them separately.

Point P is the intersection of lines and . Prove that .

Fix note: When students write equations about linear pairs, they often write two equations for non-overlapping linear pairs—which doesn’t help. The figure above is intended to help avoid that dead end, but it would be worthwhile to discuss that dead end anyway.


Using adjacent angles, because they are both complementarysupplementaryoppositecongruent to .
Point P is the intersection of lines and . Prove that .

A rotation of about maps onto itself, maps onto itself, and swaps and . Because rotations preserve angle measures, it must be that .
Point P is the intersection of lines and . Prove that .

Reflecting about the bisectorsupplementopposite of swaps the sides of and therefore lines and . Thus, that reflection swaps and . Because reflections preserve angle measures, it follows that .