Here we’ll practice finding area between curves.

Find the area of the region bounded by the curves and .
First we find the points of intersections.
By graphing the two functions, we can see that is always greater than on the interval .
Thus the area of this region is

Find the area of the region bounded by the curves and in the first quadrant.
First we find the point of intersections.
is greater than on the interval
Thus the area of this region is

Find the area of the region bounded by two consecutive intersections of the curves and .
We can use any two consecutive intersections, but the first two positive intersections are convenient.

These occur at and

is greater than on the interval
Thus the area of this region is

Find the area of the region bounded by the vertical lines and , and the curves and .
There are no intersection points between the curves on this interval, and is always above on this interval.
Thus the area of this region is

Find the area of the region bounded by the curves and , and .

First sketch a picture of the region

Next we find the -coordinates of the relevant points of intersection.

Let be the point of intersection between and , between and , and between and .


Thus , , and (make sure you understand why and are not the correct intersections).

Thus the area of this region is

The first summand is

The second summand is

Note that these two area equal, which we could have also discovered by observing the symmetry of the figure about the line .

Find the area of the region bounded by the curves and and above the -axis. Try to solve this problem using horizontal rectangles, i.e. by integration with respect to .

First sketch a picture of the region

Rather than using two different regions of integration, this problem is a great case opportunity to use horizontal rectangles.

Solving for , we can rewrite the curves as and .

The curves intersect at the point

The area of this region is