Exam 3 and Beyond

First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

What’s in a calculus problem?

Two young mathematicians discuss what calculus is all about.

The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

The rate that accumulated area under a curve grows is described identically by that curve.

Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

A secret of the definite integral

Two young mathematicians discuss what calculus is all about.

The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

The accumulation of a rate is given by the change in the amount.

A tale of three integrals

At this point we have three ‘‘different’’ integrals.

The idea of substitution

Geometry and substitution

Two students consider substitution geometrically.

The idea of substitution

We learn a new technique, called substitution, to help us solve problems involving integration.

Working with substitution

Integrals are puzzles!

Two young mathematicians discuss how tricky integrals are puzzles.

Working with substitution

We explore more difficult problems involving substitution.

Applications of integrals

Applications of integrals

We give more contexts to understand integrals.

Integration with substitution Exercises

Here we’ll practice finding integration with substitution.

Area Between Curves Exercises

Here we’ll practice finding area between curves.

Volume Exercises

Here we’ll practice finding volume using integration.

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