We establish that a linear transformation of a vector space is completely determined by its action on a basis.

Note to Student: In this module we will often use , and to denote the domain and codomain of linear transformations. If you are familiar with abstract vector spaces, you can regard , and as finite-dimensional vector spaces, otherwise you may think of , and as subspaces of .

LTR-0025: Linear Transformations and Bases

Recall that a transformation is called a linear transformation if the following are true for all vectors and in , and scalars .

Suppose we want to define a linear transformation by Is this information sufficient to define ? To answer this question we will try to determine what does to an arbitrary vector of .

If is a vector in , then can be uniquely expressed as a linear combination of and By linearity of we have This shows that the image of any vector of under is completely determined by the action of on the standard unit vectors and .

Vectors and form a standard basis of . What if we want to use a different basis?

Let be our basis of choice for . (How would you verify that is a basis of ?) And suppose we want to define a linear transformation by Is this enough information to define ?

Because form a basis of , every element of can be written as a unique linear combination We can find as follows:

Again, we see how a linear transformation is completely determined by its action on a basis.

Our discussion thus far hinged on the fact that the representation of a vector in terms of the given basis elements is unique. Imagine what would happen if this were not the case. In Exploration init:tij, for instance, we might have been able to represent as and ( or ). This would have potentially resulted in mapping to two different elements: and , implying that is not even a function. Fortunately, Theorem th:linindbasis of VSP-0030 assures us that in , vector representation in terms of the elements of a basis is unique. Theorem th:uniquerep of VSP-0060 generalizes this result to abstract vector spaces.

Suppose we want to define a linear transformation . Let be a basis of . To define , it is sufficient to state the image of each basis vector under . Once the images of the basis vectors are established, we can determine the images of all vectors of as follows:

Given any vector of , we can uniquely express as a linear combination of . Thus, for some scalar coefficients . We find as follows:

In our final example, we will consider in the context of a basis of the codomain, as well as a basis of the domain. This will later help us tackle the question of the matrix of associated with bases other than the standard basis of .

Practice Problems

Find the image of under in Exploration init:tij.

Suppose is a linear transformation such that

Find .


Let and .

Suppose is a linear transformation such that

Verify that vectors and are in by expressing each as a linear combination of and .
Show that is in by expressing it as a linear combination of and .
Find and express it as a linear combination of and .
Let and be vector spaces, and let and be bases of and , respectively. Suppose is a linear transformation such that: If , express as a linear combination of vectors of .