
In the previous sections, you were introduced to the basic trigonometric functions sine and cosine, and saw how they relate measures of angles to measurements of triangles. Given a right triangle

we define

There is a limitation in this, which you may have noticed. We can only build a triangle with a base angle if is between and . We work now to rectify this deficiency.

The Unit Circle

First, note that the values of sine and cosine do not depend on the scale of the triangle. Being very explicit, if we take our triangle and scale it up by a factor of (multiplying each side length by ) we obtain

and Notice that the ratios of the corresponding side lengths are not changed. The individual side lengths are changed, but the ratios are preserved.

Because of this we could simply assume that whenever we draw a triangle for computing sine and cosine, that the hypotenuse will have length (by dividing each side by the length of the hypotenuse). We can do this because we are simply scaling the triangle, and as we see above, this makes absolutely no difference when computing sine and cosine. When the hypotenuse is , we find that a convenient way to think about sine and cosine is via a circle with radius 1.

We call this the unit circle.

An angle is in standard position if the vertex of the angle is at the origin and one side oriented along the positive -axis. The ray along the positive -axis is called the initial side of the angle, and the other ray is called the terminal side of the angle. The angle can be thought of as the counter-clockwise rotation necessary to spin the initial side to the terminal side.

Notice that the angles and from the two images above both rotate the initial side of the angle to the same terminal side, but the angle wraps around the origin first. Two angles are coterminal if they have the same terminal side. The angles and are coterminal.

You can also think about an angle wrapping two, three, or four times before getting to the terminal side. You can also think about rotating clockwise instead of counter-clockwise. We consider counter-clockwise the positive direction, and clockwise the negative direction for angles.


In everyday life, we typically measure angles in degrees. You will see in Calculus that using degrees can lead to a lot of complications. There is a better choice, more closely related to the geometry of the circle. Notice that an angle identifies an arc along the circumerence of the unit circle? We’ll call the arc constructed this way the subtended arc.

Notice that as grows (counter-clockwise) from the length of this arc, called , also grows.

The units we will be measuring angles, radians, is actually based on arc lengths like this.

That is, an angle measuring radian has . Let us suppose that the radius of the circle, and therefore the length of the subtended arc, has units. This means that an angle of radian, in a circle of radius unit, subtends an arclength of unit. We know that the formula for arclength is given by , so that . That means radian is equal to . Notice that the “units” cancel out? That means radians are a unitless unit. When our angle is measured in radians, that angle is really just a number.

In one complete revolution () we have subtended the entire circle so . Based on this and the definition of the radian above, one complete revolution measures radians. That is an angle measuring measures radians. This gives us a way to convert between degrees and radians! Note that can be reduced to .

Here we’re thinking about as having units . What units do you think should have?

Frequently we will describe angles by their quadrants. An angle will be called a first quadrant angle if its terminal side lies in the first quadrant. Any angle in the interval will be a first quadrant angle, but there are others. For example, is a first quadrant angle since it is coterminal with . Similarly we will call an angle a second quadrant angle if its terminal side lies in the second quadrant. These angles are coterminal to angles with measures . Third quadrant angles and fourth quadrant angles are defined similarly.

The radian measure of some standard angles are given in the chart below.

Triangles in the Unit Circle

Let’s draw our right triangle from before with the base angle in standard position, and scaled to have hypotenuse of length . Remember that since the hypotenuse has length , we know that and When we scale our triangle to have hypotenuse of length , sine and cosine measure the lengths of the opposite and adjacent sides. The triangle in the figure below has its side lengths labeled with this in mind.

If we consider the hypotenuse of this triangle as terminal side of , the point where this terminal side intersects the unit circle has coordinates . This has given us our method to extend trigonometric functions to all angles, instead of just triangles.

Reference Angles

We’ve seen above how to draw a (scaled version of) a right triangle inside the unit circle, with it’s base angle in standard position. How about the other way around? If we have an angle that isn’t necessarily an acute angle (one whose terminal side lies within the first quadrant), would it be possible to relate it to a triangle? Consider the second quadrant angle in the following image.

As before, we can draw a vertical line from the point where the terminal side of intersects the unit circle to the -axis.

No matter the quadrant lies in, we can always construct a triangle by drawing this vertical side between the -axis and the intersection point. Notice that this triangle has an acute angle with vertex at the origin.

If the terminal side of is along the -axis (in either direction), we will have . However if the terminal side of lies along the -axis (in either direction) we will have . A reference angle is never less than , nor greater than .
Find the reference angle for each of the following angles.

If we know the reference angle, , can we determine ? Not exactly. In the graph below are four different angles each having the same reference angle. What’s different about these angles? They are in different quadrants.

If we know both the reference angle and the quadrant, can we determine the angle? Not quite. Two angles can have the same quadrant and reference angle if they are coterminal angles.

We can’t determine the angle exactly, but we can determine the angle’s terminal side. Since trigonometric functions are given in terms of the coordinates on the terminal side of the angle, knowing the reference angle and quadrant is enough for us.

Let’s examine the effects of the quadrants on the trigonometric function values we discussed earlier.

  • Quadrant I: and coordinates are both positive so sine values and cosine values will be positive for these angles.
  • Quadrant II: is negative and is positive, so cosine values will be negative and sine values will be positive for these angles.
  • Quadrant III: and coordinates are both negative so sine values and cosine values will be negative for these angles.
  • Quadrant IV: is positive and is negative, so cosine values will be positive and sine values will be negative for these angles.

Evaluating Trigonometric Functions at Standard Angles

Recall the definition from above.

We are now in a position to evaluate these trig functions for any standard angle.

Calculate the values of the six trigonometric functions for each of the following angles.