In this section we differentiate equations without expressing them in terms of a single variable.

Review of the chain rule

Implicit differentiation is really just an application of the chain rule. So recall:

Of particular use in this section is the following. If is a differentiable function of and if is a differentiable function, then

Implicit differentiation

The functions we’ve been dealing with so far have been explicit functions, meaning that the dependent variable is written in terms of the independent variable. For example: However, there is another type of function, called an implicit function. In this case, the dependent variable is not stated explicitly in terms of the independent variable. Some examples are: Your inclination might be simply to solve each of these for and go merrily on your way. However this can be difficult and it may require two branches, for example to explicitly plot , one needs both and . Moreover, it may not even be possible to solve for . To deal with such situations, we use implicit differentiation. We’ll start with a basic example.

Let’s see another illustrative example:

You might think that the step in which we solve for could sometimes be difficult. In fact, this never happens. All occurrences of arise from applying the chain rule, and whenever the chain rule is used it deposits a single multiplied by some other expression. Hence our expression is linear in , it will always be possible to group the terms containing together and factor out the , just as in the previous examples.

One more last example: