More with Derivatives

Chain rule

An unnoticed composition

Two young mathematicians discuss the chain rule.

The chain rule

Here we compute derivatives of compositions of functions

Implicit differentiation

Standard form

Two young mathematicians discuss the standard form of a line.

Implicit differentiation

In this section we differentiate equations without expressing them in terms of a single variable.

Derivative Exercises

Here we’ll practice derivative rules.

Tangent Line Exercises

Here we’ll practice finding lines tangent to curves.

Maximums and minimums

More coffee

Two young mathematicians witness the perils of drinking too much coffee.

Extrema and Critical Points

We use derivatives to help locate extrema.

The Extreme Value Theorem

We examine a fact about continuous functions.

Maxima and Minima Exercises

Here we’ll practice on maxima and minima concepts.

End of Post Exam 3 Content

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