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Mathematical Expression Editor
Solved Problems for Chapter 6
Show that the function defined by is also a linear transformation.
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Let be a fixed vector. The function defined by has the effect of translating all
vectors by adding . Show that is not a linear transformation.
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Linear transformations take to which does not. Also .
Find the matrix for the linear transformation which rotates every vector in through
an angle of
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Find the matrix for the linear transformation which rotates every vector in through
an angle of and then reflects across the axis.
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Find the matrix for the linear transformation which rotates every vector in through
an angle of and then reflects across the axis followed by a reflection across the
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Let be a linear transformation induced by the matrix and let be a linear
transformation induced by . Find matrix of and find for .
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The matrix of is given by . Now, .
Let be a linear transformation and suppose . Suppose is a linear transformation
induced by the matrix . Find for .
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To find we compute .
Let be a linear transformation given by Find a basis for and a basis for . Find the
dimension of the kernel and the image of .
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A basis for is and a basis for is . There are many other possibilities for the specific bases. and .
Let be a linear transformation given by Find a basis for and a basis for
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In this case and (pick any basis of ).
Let be a linear transformation given by What is ?
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We can easily see that , and thus .
Suppose is a linear transformation such that , and . Find the image of under
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First, observe that . Therefore,
Suppose is a linear transformation that maps to , and to . Find vector such that
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Observe that is induced by the matrix . We are looking for such that . Multiplying
both sides by gives us