In this activity we investigate unique factorization theorems.

Consider this proposition from Euclid’s Elements:
Explain what the proposition above is saying.
Now consider Euclid’s proof:

Let the number be the least that is measured by the prime numbers , , and . I say that is not measured by any other prime number except , , or . If possible, let it be measured by the prime number , and let not be the same as any one of the numbers , , or .

Now, since measures , let it measure it according to , therefore multiplied by makes . And is measured by the prime numbers , , and . But, if two numbers multiplied by one another make some number, and any prime number measures the product, then it also measures one of the original numbers, therefore each of , , and measures one of the numbers or . Now they do not measure , for is prime and not the same with any one of the numbers , , or . Therefore they measure , which is less than , which is impossible, for is by hypothesis the least number measured by , , and . Therefore no prime number measures except , , and . Therefore, if a number is the least that is measured by prime numbers, then it is not measured by any other prime number except those originally measuring it.

Can you explain what this proof is saying?

Now let’s consider a crazy set of numbers—all multiples of . Let’s use the symbol to denote the set consisting of all multiples of . As a gesture of friendship, I have written down the first nonnegative integers in :

Given any two integers in , will their sum be in ? Explain your reasoning.
Given any two integers in , will their difference be in ? Explain your reasoning.
Given any two integers in , will their product be in ? Explain your reasoning.
Given any two integers in , will their quotient be in ? Explain your reasoning.

As an example, I tell you that is prome number in . You may object because , but remember— is not in !

List all the prome numbers less than .
Can you give some sort of algebraic characterization of prome numbers in ?
Can you find numbers that factor completely into prome numbers in two different ways? How many can you find?