Using Inverses to Solve Equations

Now that we have an understanding of the properties of logarithms, we’re prepared to solve equations involving logarithms and exponential functions. Before we do that, however, let’s discuss a method of solving equations that you’re already familiar with.

Consider the equation You may have already found that the solution is , but let’s think about the process of finding the solution.

Our general plan when solving equations is to isolate the variable we’re solving for. In this case, we’d like to isolate by itself on one side of the equation. However, is not by itself: it’s contained in a sum! Naturally, to undo the addition of 2, we subtract 2 from both sides and obtain . The key here is that it was stuck in some operation, and in order to “access” the , we had to undo that operation.

We can also view this process in the context of functions. Let be a function defined by . Then, our equation becomes . In the language of functions, “undoing” corresponds to applying the inverse function . In this case, . By applying to both sides of our original equation, we find that

This may seem like an awfully strange way to subtract 2, but it has the benefit of being usable for any invertible function.

For example, say we want to solve the equation . If we define a function by , our equation becomes . We can find that the inverse is defined by . Therefore,

yields the solution to the equation.

Since we had to do quite a bit of work to find the equation for in the above scenario, this method may not be useful in that context. However, there are many functions for which we already know the inverse! For example, the inverse function of is . Therefore, if we want to solve , we can apply on both sides to find that

Another important example of inverse functions that we know instantly comes from logarithms! If , then we know from our previous discussion that . This is the definition of the logarithm, and looking at solving equations from the point of view of applying inverses is key to solving logarithmic and exponential equations.

For example, if we want to solve the equation , we can define , so . This means our equation is . Therefore,

yields the solution to the equation.

Exponential Equations

Logarithmic Equations

We now turn our attention to equations involving logarithms. These are similar to equations involving exponentials, but now our function we want to isolate is a logarithm. There’s also a bit of a catch. Solutions that we find must be in the domain of all logarithm functions that were in the original equation, so there’s some checking to be done at the end. Let’s see what we mean.