This optional reflection is intended to be used before the Final Exam. Here you can plan on how you intend to study for the final. It will help you to think about how you can prepare for the exam and what resources you have at your disposal.

What letter grade do you expect to receive on the exam?
A B C D F I choose not to answer this question.
Have you begun to study for the exam?
Yes No
If you have not begun studying, when do you plan to start studying?
A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. During the Exam Reviews. D. During the Prerequisite Review Session. E. The day before the test. F. The day of the test. G. I don’t plan on studying. H. This doesn’t apply to me because I already began studying.
How much do you agree/disagree with the following statement:

”I believe that I can improve my chances of success in Exam 3 if I work hard studying”?

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Slightly Disagree 4. Neither Agree Nor Disagree 5. Slightly Agree 6. Agree 7. Strongly Agree I choose not to answer this question.
What have you done or planned to do to prepare for the exam? Mark ‘True’ or ‘False’ to indicate whether each statement describes what you plan to do next.
A. Attending the exam review sessions.
True False
B. Attending the prerequisite review session.
True False
C. Re-reading class notes and handouts.
True False
D. Re-writing class notes.
True False
E. Creating flashcards.
True False
F. Reading the textbook.
True False
G. Reading the online resources.
True False
H. Working practice problems from the textbook.
True False
I. Working practice problems from the electronic homework (Ximera).
True False
J. Working practice problems that I found online.
True False
K. Watching the interactive videos on prerequisite content in Ximera.
True False
L. Watching videos found online (e.g. YouTube, Khan Academy, etc.)
True False
M. Working through old exams.
True False
N. Doing at least one practice timed exam.
True False
O. Re-working problems from class notes and handouts.
True False
P. Working in a study group.
True False
Q. Attending office hours with Calculus I instructors.
True False
R. Attending tutoring hours offered through TILT.
True False
S. Other (please describe in the next question).
True False
If you selected ‘Other’ on the last question, please describe the other ways you plan to prepare or have already prepared for the exam? (If you didn’t select ‘Other’, leave this blank)
Do you set goals and/or objectives when you go to study?
Yes No
If you selected ‘Yes’ on the last question, please describe what goals and/or objectives you have when studying?