Throughout this module, if something does not exist, write DNE in the answer box.

Recap Video

Take a look at the following video which recaps the ideas from the section.


Example Video

Below is a video showing a worked example.


Consider on .
  • Calculate and .
  • Calculate and .
  • Calculate in terms of . You may find the identity useful.
  • Use the previous part to find the area under on .

Consider on .
  • The approximation , and .
  • Based on the graph of , we see that will be an over-under- approximation for the area and will be an over-under- approximation for the area.
  • If is any number , then (in terms of )
    For this part, notice that when you subtract the two quantities, all the heights inside the interval are going to cancel out, leaving only the left and right endpoints. Therefore, a formula is
  • The smallest so that is .
  • Use the identity to find an expression for in terms of . We get
  • The area under the curve on is , which in this case turns out to be .

Consider on an interval . In which of the following situations will definitely be an over-estimate? Select all that apply.
is increasing on is decreasing on is concave up on is concave down on