Throughout this module, if something does not exist, write DNE in the answer box.

Recap Video

Take a look at the following video which recaps the ideas from the section.


Example Video

Below is a video showing a worked example.


The side of a cube is increasing at a rate of inches/second. How fast is the volume changing at the moment the side length is inches.
In the same situation as the previous problem, at what rate is the surface area of the cube changing at the moment the side length is inches? inches/secondinches/secondinchesinches/second .
You are standing 7 miles away from a rocket launchpad and are watching with a telescope. A rocket takes off and rises you watch the rocket through your telescope. At a certain moment, the rocket is rising at a rate of 5 miles/min and the angle between the telescope and the ground is . At what rate is the angle between the telescope and the ground changing at this moment?
In the above problem, at what rate is the distance between the rocket and the telescope changing at the moment the rocket’s velocity is miles/min and the angle between the telescope and the ground is ? miles/min.
A particle moves around the circle counterclockwise.
  • In which quadrants is ? Select all that apply.
    Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2 Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
  • If the particle’s -coordinate is decreasing at a rate of units/second at the point on the circle, at what rate is the particle’s -coordinate changing at this moment? It is increasingdecreasing at a rate of units/second.

A conical tank has a height of feet and a radius of feet on the top. Water is flowing in at cubic feet/minute. At what rate is the water level rising when the level is feet? feet/minute.
Suppose the volume of a sphere is decreasing at cubic feet/min. At what rate is its surface area changing at the moment the radius is feet? feet/min.