Throughout this module, if something does not exist, write DNE in the answer box.

Recap Video

Take a look at the following video which recaps the ideas from the section.


Example Video

Below is a video showing a worked example.


Idea: Remember, the idea of implicit differentiation is the following. We will have some relation with ’s and ’s, such as the following: As we see in the following graph, this is not the graph of a function.

However, we still want to look for slopes of tangent lines. What we do is say, near a point, that this relation gives in terms of (zoom in far enough so that it looks like a function). In this case, you can solve for , though it won’t look too nice. So we want to get around this. This is what implicit differentiation is used for.
If , find at the point .
Find the equation of the tangent line to at the point .
If , find .
Find all points on where the tangent line is horizontal.
If , then the equation of the tangent line to is

Using the ideas of implicit differentiation, we can find the following derivatives:

  • .
  • .
  • .
The equation of the tangent line to at the point is: