The first part of Chapter 8 details an unfortunate phase in the history of mathematics: the debate over who actually “invented” calculus. Part of the first reading will tell the story of this debate, while the second reading gives an overarching history of the development of calculus. There is a PDF on Carmen titled “Newton and Leibniz: The Calculus Controversy” which gives a nice overview of all of these ideas, as well as examples of work from both Newton and Leibniz. If you are curious to know more details, the book The Historical Development of the Calculus has a chapter each on Newton’s viewpoint and Leibniz’ viewpoint.


First reading: Dunham, Chapter 8, pages 184 - 196

Second reading: A History of the Calculus

Third reading (video): A comparsion of Newton’s calculus and Leibniz’ calculus


How many works of Newton does the article mention which were not published at the time they were written?
What was the major source of the controversy over calculus?
No one wrote down their ideas. The timing of publication. No one read the first publication. It was a popularity contest.