1 Including images

In the last section, we showed you how to include images using includegraphics. However, The preferred method to include graphics is with TikZ.

We can create the image above with the following code:

        axis lines=center,
        every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south},
        every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west},
      \addplot [ultra thick, blue, smooth] {sin(deg(x))};

2 Videos

We can embed YouTube Videos with

\youtube{FvgF95i0_lw} which would embed the video into the page, like this:

3 The graph command

The easiest way to include an interactive graph is to use the \graph command. Unfortunately, the \graph command doesn’t draw a graph in the PDF, rather, it states (in words) that a graph is produced. \[ \graph {x^2} \] There are a number of options for the \graph command, and you can find out more WHERE? Here are two examples. One with axis labels and a set window:

\[ \graph [xAxisLabel="time", yAxisLabel="distance",xmin=0, xmax=10, ymin=0, ymax=10]{y=x^3} \]

and another, piecewise function: \[ \graph { \sin (x)\left \{x<0\right \}, 2x\left \{ x>=0 \right \} } \]

4 Desmos, Desmos3D, and Geogebra

If you require further features from Desmos, you can sign up for an account and include your worksheets like this:


Desmos3D and GeoGebra work in similar ways, with:

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2024-10-11 13:46:01