We review trigonometric functions.

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What are inverse trigonometric functions?

Trigonometric functions arise frequently in problems, and often we are interested in finding specific angle measures. For instance, you may want to find some angle such that Hence we want to be able to “undo” trigonometric functions. However, since trigonometric functions are not one-to-one, meaning there are are infinitely many angles with , it is impossible to find a true inverse function for . Nevertheless, it is useful to have something like an inverse to these functions, however imperfect. The usual approach is to pick out some collection of angles that produce all possible values exactly once. If we “discard” all other angles, the resulting function has a proper inverse. In other words, we are restricting the domain of the trigonometric function in order to find an inverse. The function takes on all values between and exactly once on the interval .

If we restrict the domain of to this interval, then this restricted function is one-to-one and hence has an inverse.
What arc on the unit circle corresponds to the restricted domain described above of ?

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In a similar fashion, we need to restrict the domain of sine to be able to take an inverse. The function takes on all values between and exactly once on the interval .

If we restrict the domain of to this interval, then this restricted function is one-to-one and thus has an inverse.

What arc on the unit circle corresponds to the restricted domain described above of ?

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By examining both sine and cosine on restricted domains, we can now produce functions arcsine and arccosine:

The functions are called “arc” because they give the angle that cosine or sine used to produce their value. It is quite common to write However, this notation is misleading as and are not true inverse functions of cosine and sine. Recall that a function and its inverse undo each other in either order, for example, Since arcsine is the inverse of sine restricted to the interval , this does not work with sine and arcsine, for example though it is true that

Which of the following statements is true?
is the inverse function of

Now that you have a feel for how and behave, let’s examine tangent.

What arc on the unit circle corresponds to the restricted domain described above of ?

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Again, only working on a restricted domain of tangent, we can produce an inverse function, arctangent. Here we see a plot of , the inverse function of when its domain is restricted to the interval .

Now we give some facts of other trigonometric and “inverse” trigonometric functions.

The power of the Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem is probably the most famous theorem in all of mathematics.

The Pythagorean Theorem gives several key trigonometric identities.

We can simplify expressions using the Pythagorean Theorem

We’ll also use the Pythagorean Theorem to help us simplify abstract expressions into ones we can compute with ease.