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2 Orthogonal Polynomial Weights
We have previously said that vertex weights are duality functions, and that vertex weights are often orthogonal polynomials. Here, we explain how this can be shown with fusion.
First, we recall some background on \(q\)–hypergeometric series from [1].
We state a theorem from [2] and [4] and [3]:
[1] Roelof Koekoek , Peter A. Lesky , René F. Swarttouw, Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their q-Analogues, Springer 2010.
[2] A. Kuniba, V.V. Mangazeev, S. Maruyama, M. Okado, Stochastic R matrix for \(U_q(A_n^{(1)})\), Nuclear Physics B, Volume 913, 2016, Pages 248-277.
[3] Vladimir V. Mangazeev, On the Yang–Baxter equation for the six-vertex model, Nuclear Physics B, Volume 882, May 2014, Pages 70-96
[4] A.M. Povolotsky, On the integrability of zero-range chipping models with factorized steady states J. Phys. A, Math. Theor., 46 (2013), p. 465205