We investigate how the exponential functions model phenomena in the real world.

A differential equation is simply an equation with a derivative in it. Here is an example:
What is a differential equation?
An equation that you take the derivative of. An equation that relates the rate of a function to other values. It is a formula for the slope of a tangent line at a given point.

When a mathematician solves a differential equation, they are finding functions satisfying the equation.

Which of the following functions solve the differential equation

Exponential growth and decay

A function exhibits exponential growth if its growth rate is proportional to its value. As a differential equation, this means We claim that this differential equation is solved by where and are constants. Check it out, if , then

One concept related to this sort of exponential models is that of doubling-time.

What is somewhat remarkable is that for the exponential function where , , and this doubling time only depends on !

It is worth seeing an example of exponential decay as well. Consider this: Living tissue contains two types of carbon, a stable isotope carbon-12 and a radioactive (unstable) isotope carbon-14. While an organism is alive, the ratio of one isotope of carbon to the other is always constant. When the organism dies, the ratio changes as the radioactive isotope decays. This is the basis of radiocarbon dating.

In our example above we briefly defined half-life. Let’s do this justice.

Here again it is somewhat remarkable is that for the exponential function where , , and the half-life only depends on !

While exponetial models are somewhat limited, they apply in many cases. Here are some examples of real-world phenomena that can be modeled by exponential growth:

  • The rate that a population grows is proportional to the size of the population.
  • The rate that a radioactive substance decays is proportional to the amount of the substance.
  • The rate that an investment grows is proportional to the amount of the investment.
  • The rate that a pathogen spreads is proportional to the number of people with the pathogen.
  • The rate that glucose is processed in one’s blood is proportional to the concentration of glucose in the blood.