True/False: Let be a linear transformation. The matrix for relative to the bases and for and respectively is given by: where .
True False
True/False: Let be a linear transformation. Let and be bases for and respectively. Let be the matrix for relative to and . Then which of the following equations is true?

Let and be bases for the vector spaces and respectively. Let be a linear transformation. Given the equations below, find the matrix for relative to and .

Let and be bases for the vector spaces and respectively. Let be a linear transformation. Given the equations below, find the matrix for relative to and .

Let be a basis for some vector space . If the linear transformation sends vectors written with respect to the basis to vectors written with respect to the basis , then the matrix for relative to (or the -matrix for ) satisfies:
True False

True/False. Suppose where is a diagonal matrix. If is the basis for formed fromt he columns of , then is the -matrix for the transformation .
True False
See the diagonal matrix representation theorem on page 291 of Lay.

Suppose where are given below. Let the linear transformation be defined by . Which of the following gives a basis for with the property that is diagonal.

See the diagonal matrix representation theorem on page 291 of Lay.