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Before watching the videos, think about and answer these questions to the best of your ability.

Below is a graph of a function . For each of the input values labeled on the graph (A through I), indicate whether or not is locally linear for that value of .

Point A:
is locally linear isn’t locally linear
(b)Point B:
is locally linear isn’t locally linear
(c)Point C:
is locally linear isn’t locally linear
(d)Point D:
is locally linear isn’t locally linear
(e)Point E:
is locally linear isn’t locally linear
(f)Point F:
is locally linear isn’t locally linear
(g)Point G:
is locally linear isn’t locally linear
(h)Point H:
is locally linear isn’t locally linear
(i)Point I:
is locally linear isn’t locally linear
Overall, how confident are you in your answers?
Not at all confident Not very confident Somewhat confident Very Confident